Support Services
We are sorry for your loss, and we encourage you to seek support.
There are a number of telephone services available to provide support, 24 hours, 7 days a week, including counselling, support groups and peer support programs.
Pregnancy Loss Telephone Support
Red Nose Grief and Loss:
Provide Free 24/7 Bereavement Support for families who have experienced miscarriage, unexpected loss during pregnancy, birth, infancy and early childhood.
1300 308 307
Bears of Hope (Pregnancy and Infant Loss Support)
P: 1300 11 HOPE
Pregnancy and Infant Loss Support.
Providing support to both parents and their families who grieve the loss of their baby through miscarriage, stillbirth, medical termination, birth and infancy. Connect with our team of registered counsellors, all with lived experience, t via telehealth, chat or face to face appointments. Also offering support groups, meditation groups, workshops and support weekends (at no cost).
The Pink Elephants Support Network
The Pink Elephants Support Network provides peer support specific to early pregnancy loss, bereavement support services and emotional support resources.
Beyond Blue:
1300 22 4636
13 11 14
‘If you believe a life is at risk, please call 000’
1300 78 99 78
GriefLine: (8am – 8pm)
1300 845 745
Grief Australia
Grief Australia Counselling and Support Service, provides a specialist bereavement service for individuals, children, and families who need assistance following the death of someone close to them. Please note: Grief Australia is not a crisis support service.
Health Information Website
Miscarriage Australia
The Miscarriage Australia website offers comprehensive, evidence-based resources for those impacted by miscarriage. It includes information on understanding miscarriage, experiencing miscarriage, and where to find support. Designed by a collaborative group of researchers and clinicians, the website reflects their ongoing commitment to advocating for improved support for those affected by miscarriage.
The organisations listed above are not a comprehensive list of support services for miscarriage/early pregnancy loss. There may be other support services and health information services that you can access in your state or territory.
If you feel the need for additional support, a good place to start is with your GP, who may be able to refer you to a psychologist with Medicare rebates for a set number of sessions.